The following options do exist for using Zig with ZeroMQ:
Github: https://github.com/nine-lives-later/zzmq
Follow the instruction to install install libzmq and CZMQ
Add the library, by following then instructions in the README.
Running the server:
const zzmq = @import("zzmq");
var socket = try zzmq.ZSocket.init(allocator, zzmq.ZSocketType.Pair);
defer socket.deinit();
const port = try socket.bind("tcp://!");
// send a message
var frame = try zzmq.ZFrame.init(data);
defer frame.deinit();
try socket.send(&frame, .{});
Running the client:
const zzmq = @import("zzmq");
var socket = try zzmq.ZSocket.init(allocator, zzmq.ZSocketType.Pair);
defer socket.deinit();
const endpoint = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "tcp://{}", .{port});
defer allocator.free(endpoint);
try socket.connect(endpoint);
// receive a message
var frame = try socket.receive();
defer frame.deinit();
const data = try frame.data();
Github: https://github.com/uyha/zimq
Run the following command to add this project as a dependency
zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/uyha/zimq.git
In your
, add the followingconst zimq = b.dependency("zimq", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); // Replace `exe` with your actual library or executable exe.root_module.addImport("zimq", zimq.module("zimq"));
const std = @import("std");
const zimq = @import("zimq");
pub fn main() !void {
const context: *zimq.Context = try .init();
defer context.deinit();
const pull: *zimq.Socket = try .init(context, .pull);
defer pull.deinit();
const push: *zimq.Socket = try .init(context, .push);
defer push.deinit();
try pull.bind("inproc://#1");
try push.connect("inproc://#1");
const message = "hello";
try push.sendConst(message, message.len, .{});
var buffer: zimq.Message = .empty();
_ = try pull.recvMsg(&buffer, .{});
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{buffer.slice().?});